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Best Practices and AWS Tools for Cost-Effective Cloud Management

FinOps 101: Best Practices and AWS Tools for Cost-Effective Cloud Management

With the cloud becoming ubiquitous in businesses across geographies, sizes, and industries, many organizations are also quickly discovering that optimizing the cost of cloud infrastructure is easier said than done. Rapidly rising costs, bloated over-provisioned infra, and a lack of ownership of cloud expenses among IT teams are increasingly common issues. The answer to these […]

Cloud should not be exclusive but an integral part of IT strategy

Benefits of AWS Landing Zone

Organizations using  AWS Cloud end up having several accounts for different purposes including the need to manage operations with separate accounts for different departments, deployments, new projects, functional requirements such as dev, test and production, etc. The reasons may be numerous but the underlying reason remains the same—operational efficiency which ironically is compromised as chaos […]

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